Friday 26 April 2013

Letters from The Somme

Today we pretended to be soldiers and wrote letters home from the battle of the Somme, World War 1. We had to write about how a soldier would feel during World War 1 living in the trenches.

We began by crumpling the paper and then tea staining it the day before writing the letter. REMINDER: HOW TO MAKE OLD PAPER)

Before we we began writing we  brainstormed on the board. We shared ideas about how a soldier would feel and what he would want to tell his family about the war. We discussed the conditions in the awful conditions in the trenches.

Then we practiced writing the letter in our jotters. Mr. Murphy corrected them and we transcribed them onto our tea stained paper.

We displayed them on the wall! Please look at our beautiful but very sad letters above.

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